Photo Shoot Pamper Parties For Girls

How many party girls can come?

We have a maximum of 10 guests for each party – this is due to studio space and timings to allow the party to run smoothly.

How many adults can come?

A strict maximum of 3 people who aren’t attending the party can be present to watch.

This can consist of adults/parents/carers or children/siblings etc.

Can the adults join in for professional photographs?

Once our photographer has taken all the photographs that we need, there may be time at the end for a little photo fun with adults/parents/carers or children/siblings etc. Please ask at the beginning of the party if you would like this so that we can try our best to make it happen for you!

Can I take photographs during the party?

No flash photography is allowed during the photo shoot times. Flash interfers with our studio flash, which can spoil the professional photographs.

Flash photography is fine after the professional shooting is finished.

Photographs taken using mobile phones is fine – in fact we encourage it! But please don’t distract the girls while they are having their professional photographs taken.

How long do the parties last?

Each party lasts for 1h 45m

Do you provide birthday cake?

We provide cupcakes for the party guests, for after their party lunch.
We have 2 cake suppliers that we recommend to you for birthday cakes. You can of course supply your own cake.

We are happy to light your candles for you and present the cake to the birthday girl with Happy Birthday played by the DJ.

We are also happy to slice your cake ready for the party girls to take home.

Do I need to do anything at the party?

We have spent years fine tuning our photo shoot parties. They are structured in a way so that they run smoothly and efficiently by our staff. You can sit back, have a cuppa and watch the party girls enjoy themselves!

Can I bring decorations to the party for the room?

As this is a professional photo studio with very limited space, we don’t allow anything to be taped/pinned/blue-tacked to our walls. The studio has been decorated for the party but if you would like to bring some balloons, we would be happy to put these on the party table for you. If you would like to view the room in advance of the party, please call the studio to make an appointment and we would be happy to give you a tour!

Do you supply party invitations?

Yes we do!

Once your party has been booked and secured with a deposit, we will supply invitations for the party. These can be collected from The Photo Studio, we can post them out to you or we can provide you with a digital copy of the invitation.

Can I bring my own food?

No external food can be brought into the studio, sorry.

What is inside the goody bags?

We supply each party girl with a small goody bag containing a selection of sweets and some party favours. This includes things like bubbles, bracelets, bobbles and costume jewellery, but may vary dependant on age of the party girls and what our supplier has in stock.
If you would like to add to the goody bags, this isn’t a problem at all. The goody bags remain downstairs until the end of the party. Please let us know in advance so that our staff can prepare the goody bags for you.

Can boys come to the party?

Yes, boys are very welcome at our parties!

Can I buy photographs after the party?

All photographs will be posted to a password protected gallery within 48 hours of the party.

These are available to purchase, either printed or digitally, directly from the gallery. Prices can be found on the gallery.