Teen Photo
Shoot Parties


teen photo shoot parties

Our teen photo shoot parties are aimed at girls aged between 13 and 17 years old and are designed to give the party guests the more mature option to our photoshoot pamper parties for children, while still providing a fun environment for the girls to have a giggle and take home some high quality keepsakes.
If you’re looking for a unique birthday party idea for your teenager, take a look at our teen photo shoot party package – the perfect birthday celebration!

Take a look at our photoshoot pamper party package below, along with our party upgrades:
(maximum of 10 girls per party – maximum of 6 if hair and make-up is required for all guests)

teen photo shoot party package

  • Welcome drinks
  • 45 minute photoshoot (approx)
  • Nibbles (crisps, cheesy biscuits etc) & cupcakes
  • Exclusive use of The Photo Studio
  • Access to our styling room
  • DJ, playlist and karaoke
  • Party buffet (including sandwiches and a selection of party food)
  • 8″x6″ mounted photograph for the birthday girl
  • 8″x6″ mounted group photograph for all guests
  • Double sided photo keyring for all guests
  • Gift bag with party favours for all guests
  • A password protected gallery for guests and parents to view all the photographs and purchase if required

teen photo shoot party upgrades

  • Party Photobooth
    Hire our party photobooth for 1/2 hour! Includes personalised print template for the birthday girl, all photos printed to take away and a fancy dress box
  • Framed Party Memories Collage
    A selection of photos from the party, printed, mounted and framed, ready to be taken away at the end of the party!
  • Digital Party Photo Collection
    All the photographs taken at the party, edited and ready to download from your private online gallery within 48 hours of the party – high resolution images with a print license, so you can print as many as you like at whatever size you like! 
  • Professional hair styling and make-up by Bellissima Mobile Beauty
    Just hair, or hair and make-up, provided by our amazing preferred stylist can be added to the party. 

what happens after our teen photo shoot parties

After your birthday girl’s teen photo shoot party has taken place, we upload all of the photographs to our secure, password protected online gallery. The password will be given to everyone who attended the party in their photo packs, before they leave the studio. Our galleries are live for 2 weeks from the party date, during which time the photographs can be viewed and any purchases can be made, if required!

Our teen photo shoot parties are held at The Photo Studio, our portrait photography studio in Warrington, Cheshire, close to Warrington town centre. If you would like to come down and have a walk through to see what goes on at our girls parties, please give us a call and we’d be happy to show you around! Our teen photo shoot parties are remembered as a fabulous party experience by everyone who attends. They’re a great party idea with everything done for you!

Teen Photoshoot Party enquiry Form

Cheshire Cherubs Photography
The Photo Studio
Norman Street